Newsletters vs email lists

Why there's a big difference.

What’s the difference between an email list owner and a newsletter operator?

Their mindset.

Or better yet, how they think of their subscribers.

The newsletter operator treats their subscriber as a content consumer, while the email list owner treats their subscriber as a lead.

The newsletter operator considers a new subscriber subscribing as the acquisition event, while the email list owner considers that the first small step of a long acquisition process.

The newsletter operator will try to always create great content, while the email list owner will only send emails that serve a conversion purpose.

The subscriber is king in the newsletter operator’s eyes, while the email list owner doesn’t care about subscribers churning…

Because that means they probably weren’t a qualified lead.

The newsletter operator will prioritize long-term economics, while the email list owner will try to break even or profit in the first month.

There’s great arguments to both sides here. 

But I think more operators should treat their newsletter as an email list.


We specialize in generating high-quality leads that matches your ideal customer profile, so that they end up buying your products - and we’re generating some of the lowest CPLs in the business.

We generate leads for email lists.

All the best,

Gunnar S. Holm