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We spent $46k growing a newsletter last month.

It generated 26,791 subscribers. 

And earned $41k with Sparkloop.

Here's the step-by-step:

STEP 1: Figure out your newsletter USP

If your newsletter is a "me too"-newsletter, your cost-per-subscriber will suffer.

It’s tough to reinvent the wheel in media, but you need to at least make the wheel look different from the established newsletters on the market.

Find Your Unique Selling Point:

1. The Appearance of Uniqueness: The characteristic that you decide to promote in your USP does not have to be unique, but it does have to seem like it is.

2. Usefulness: If the distinguishing characteristic of the product is not desirable, no one will want it. In deciding on your product’s USP, it is better to select some feature that isn’t entirely original and make it seem unique than it is to select a feature that is unique but useless.

3. Conceptual simplicity. If your product’s USP is trendy, it is almost certainly simple too. Very few complicated things ever become trendy. Remember that you need to sell the USP — and nothing sells well that is difficult to explain.

Taken from chapter 6 in "Ready, Fire, Aim" by Michael Masterson. Read the book.

STEP 2: The Ads

Go to your Facebook ads manager.

Create new campaign > Select "Leads" > Manual Campaign > Toggle "Advantage Campaign Budget" > Do $10-$100/day as test budget.

Ad set targeting:

- Broad and big audience (tens of millions)

- Advantage+ toggled on

Now for the ad creatives:

The ad creative IS the targeting.

Read that again. And then again.

That means your ad creative's job is to attract the right type of audience:

Call out your readers in the ads.

A low CPA is the most important part of being able to recoup 90% of the growth costs, and here's a trick to getting low CPAs: lead magnets.

Love them or hate them, they produce great CPAs.

You can ride the low CPA-wave and then clean your list later.

How to come up with a lead magnet idea:

-> What's a micro-problem your ideal reader has, that you can solve with a piece of content?

The goal is to get a sub-$2 CPA.

STEP 3: The Landing Page.

I'll keep this short and sweet.

The most important part about your landing page is that it needs to correlate with your ads. 

There needs to be a natural funnel of: curiosity sparked from ads > build trust and authority on landing page (and answer all the questions that might arise in their head)

STEP 4: Sparkloop Optimization

Here's the current formula we're using for all clients:

1. Go to the Partner Network and filter by same niche and $2+ CPA

2. Go through each newsletter and find the ones with highest budget and best acceptance rate

3. Pin the newsletters with highest budget and best acceptance rate to your Upscribe widget

4. Iterate based on results

If you're running a high daily spend on your ads, you need to be optimizing and iterating your Sparkloop widget on a regular basis. To make sure you're recommending your best partners and that all your pinned newsletters have adequate budgets etc.

All the best,



Want my agency to implement this for your newsletter? We have two available spots in our agency - apply here.

Start earning with Sparkloop here.

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