High ticket offer

Hey there,

If you have a high-ticket offer.

An agency offer… A mastermind… A coaching service…

Then this is for you.

Because we’re spending $150k+/month on lead funnels for multiple clients right now.

To get people to book sales calls to their offer.

And the lead quality is insane:

  • Business owners worth $3-15M…

  • Accredited investors…

  • People with a lot of liquid assets…

So if you have an offer where you need to get a very select audience into your funnel, here you go.

The High-Quality Lead Formula:


We're running ads with lead magnets that are like stripped down versions of the offers we're selling.

A lead magnet is a perfect way to attract your ideal customer profile without making the barrier to enter your funnel too high.

If your offer is: Diet coaching for entrepreneurs

Your free lead magnet can be: The 5-Step Guide to All-Day Energy as An Entrepreneur


The landing page should do one thing and one thing only:

Sell them on the lead magnet so much that they’re willing to answer a survey to get it.

How do you do that?

  • Tap into their greed by explaining how the lead magnet will level up their life financially, socially, spiritually and mentally

  • Tap into their fear by explaining how NOT downloading your lead magnet might lead to lost money, lost opportunities, lost health

  • Explain why they should listen to YOU

Getting them to answer 4-5 questions to download your lead magnet is where the magic happens.

Because someone that becomes a lead at that point has very high intent.

And you can have a different landing page for different answers.

Let’s say you only take on clients that have a business doing more than $500k/year.

You can set your pixel trigger event to only fire when someone answers «Yes» to owning a $500k/year biz.

And when the Meta pixel picks up on who’s good leads, they’ll take that data and start optimizing their campaigns to show your ads to other people in that same category.


After someone fills out your survey and downloads your lead magnet, here’s where you should redirect them…

You know they’re already interested in your kind of offer, because they downloaded the lead magnet and they’re so interested they even answered a few questions to get it.

What we do at this point is trying to get them on a call with your sales team.

That landing page should include:

  • A booking form (like Calendly)

  • A video sales letter about your offer

  • Testimonials from people like them that already purchased your offer

  • Results

Done the right way, this will result in a 5-10% conversion rate to a booked call.

Incentivize your sales team the right way, and they’ll convert a good bunch of those leads to your offer.


A big chunk of the people that downloaded your lead magnet haven’t booked a call, but you still have their email address and info!

So you should run an automated email sequence and try to get them on a call, while delivering value in every email.

The best advertising is when you give your ideal customers what they already want, and then your offer happens to further solve their problem.

If your offer is diet coaching, give give give forever to your email list. Teach them principles, show how others have done it, give them free recipes — and still send them emails to get them to book a call.

That’s the right way to do it.

Want us to implement this funnel for your offer?