How we're generating a $1.44 CPA

A (very) high quality audience and a (very) low CPA

“Do we have what it takes to pull this off?”

The head of growth at a large financial publisher asked me this about 6 weeks ago.

He was referring to this tweet:

I answered: “I don’t see why not!” — already knowing they have a massive library of lead magnets (from working with them before).

A few days later, we were added to their ads manager and started tinkering.

Now, the $1.50 CPA in the tweet was for a couple of clients that were targeting a similar audience: entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs are considered high quality in general, but this time we were going one step further…

Entrepreneurs with high net worths.

So even though I was confident we could get them the same CPA, I was very curious about what quality we would be getting.

So I’m glad I’m able to report the following:

We’re spending $400+/day and generating a $1.44 CPA, acquiring high net worth entrepreneurs (data from survey responses).

Here’s the formula we’re using:

Unique ad creatives + strong niche lead magnets.

If you have niche lead magnets and unique ad creatives to make that niche stop and actually pay attention, then the scorecard will take care of itself.


All the best,

Gunnar S. Holm