How to generate leads for your business

Meta Ads -> Email List -> B2B Lead.

Leads are the backbone of any business.

And what’s the best kind of leads? 

Incoming leads.

Potential clients that match your ideal customer profile and already wants to work with you.

Sounds like a pipedream for many, but it’s more attainable than you think.

I get incoming leads from Twitter and this newsletter all the time.

Many sales calls just turn into «let’s sign the contract now».

And the client is usually the one pushing it, not me - they already made up their mind about working with me before jumping on the call.

They’ve already been subscribed to my Twitter and newsletter for months.

Going through a carefully created nurturing sequence, to move a subscriber from cold to warm.

But there’s a big flaw in my funnel.

I’m relying on organic reach to get new people into my funnel.

And that’s kind of ironic, as we specialize in running paid traffic for clients.

But that stops today.

I just published our first few ads on Meta.

And here’s the exact process I’m using:


  • Calls out my ideal customer profile.

  • Unique ad creative with strong scroll-stopping abilities.

  • Strong copy to keep users hooked.

  • CTA is a lead magnet (free email course)


  • All ads are tagged with UTM parameters

  • All leads are automatically sent an email where I ask them to fill out a survey to find out if they’re a good lead or not

  • I track all survey responses back to the ads

  • Cut low performing ads and double down on high performers


  • Welcome Email includes introduction to me and agency

  • Day 2-14 includes emails like:

    • Who am I?

    • How we’re generating a $1.44 CPL for clients

    • Top 3 ways to attract high quality leads


  • All emails include a CTA to book a call with us

  • Not pushy at all

  • To book a call, the lead has to go through a Typeform - and they’re only able to book a call if they match our filtering questions.

That’s it.

I think the gist of it can be summarized like this: 

Find your ideal customer -> Get their email address -> Show them what you’re doing and why they should work with you (don’t tell them).

All the best,

Gunnar S. Holm