Big newsletters have a 'secret'

A surefire way to go viral?

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All right - on to the post…

Many big newsletters are not exactly shouting out the fact that a lot of their growth came from paid acquisition. It’s unsexy.

But still, most big newsletters rely heavily on paid growth through ads on Meta, Twitter/X, Sparkloop, other co-reg etc.

And then you have the “paid subs are shitty quality”-camp.

I mean, if you’re borderline tricking subscribers on to your list - then of course they’ll not engage and likely have an enormous unsub rate.

But I’m here to tell you that paid subscribers (done the right way) can be just as good as organic subscribers — let me show you how.

Make It Organic-ish

There’s multiple hacks to making a social media post go viral. When you go viral and gain 1M impressions, and get 1,000+ subscribers - you’ve effectively ‘hacked’ the algorithm to show your post to these people.

But want to know a surefire way of “going viral”?

Pay for the same amount of impressions.

I know what you’re thinking: “That’s not the same thing, stop clickbaiting 😠” - but hear me out…

If you have a high-quality post that you know brings a lot of value and would be a great organic piece of content. You can basically “bribe” your platform of choice, to ensure that the right people see it, at scale.

Then my friend, you’ve effectively ‘hacked’ the algorithm.

So bring the same thought process and set of values that you bring to your organic content, to your paid content:

  • Make it so valuable that users share it with their friends

  • Bring the personality (show your face and name)

  • Solve tiny problems that your target reader has

  • You have to HOOK them in (learn from viral X creators)

TL;DR: Pretend you’re creating an organic post that you hope to go viral, and then put some money behind it.

We do this process for several clients, and the results speak for themselves:

1) High engagement rates.

Not unusual to get 50-60% open rates and 6-12% click-rate.

See for yourself 👇🏼

2) Low CPA’s.

Cost-per-acquisition depends on target audience, but we have clients getting great engagement and a $1-1.50 CPA. However, more usual to get $2-4 CPA.

3) High acceptance rates on Sparkloop.

Sparkloop filters out low engagement subscribers. To ensure your referrals get accepted, you need high engagement (and newsletters relevant to your readers).

Want us to grow your newsletter with paid ads in Q1 2024?

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This is not the usual newsletter deep dive, but another way for me to share some of my knowledge and hopefully bring some value.

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