5 Bullets on Newsletters #2

How a newsletter acquired 200K subscribers by mass-cold-emailing 5M scraped emails.

Hey there, 

You guys loved the new bullet format, so I’m back for another week!

Btw, I changed the sending name from Newsletter Deep Dives to my personal name — just makes more sense as I’m not strictly doing deep dives.

Let’s go:

A lot of people ask me about how we use Sparkloop to recoup growth costs for some of our clients, at scale — so I wrote a thread about it:

Brad (editorial director @ HubSpot) has written a killer thread about how The Hustle consistently get high open rates, check it out:

Forgive me if this is turning into a The Hustle fanboy newsletter edition, but you got to love the openness of the founder and employees!

One of my favorite writers, David Perell, interviews one of my other favorite writers about how The Hustle creates great newsletter content.

This blog post from Chase Dimond is very interesting.

He talks about how they grew a travel newsletter to over 200k subscribers by cold emailing their target audience. Their target audience’s emails were scraped from Instagram.

The question many people ask is “is this even legal?”, to which there’s a lot of conflicting answers to. But keep in mind that Chase did this before GDPR and the new state-specific laws.

The wonderful Ethan Brooks, wrote a blog post about how to innovate content. It’s so good that I’ve read it twice. He includes the story of the founder of The New York Herald, and how he was the first ever to publish a stock-report.

Spending (or looking to spend) $10k-250k/month on newsletter growth? 

We help some of the best newsletters grow with paid ads.

What our clients have to say:

«We agreed on a target CPA and hit our target in the first month - happy with the results Growjoy generated for my newsletter!»

Cody Plofker, CMO @ Jones Road Beauty

«Gunnar is a newsletter ads whiz! He’s always suggesting new and creative ideas to improve our ad performance. I also appreciate that he’s very communicative. It’s been a joy working together, and I recommend Gunnar and the Growjoy team to everyone looking to take their newsletter to the next level.»

Helen Guo, Operator of SMB Deal Hunter & Founder of Schoolyard Snacks ($30m/year)

«Gunnar is one of the most creative people I have met in the space and definitely recommend his agency’s services to anyone looking to grow their newsletter.»

Operator (anonymous) at Short Squeez (∼200k subs)