$4M/year newsletter

A client of mine makes about $4M/year on their high ticket offer.

The offer is about $15k.

They have a newsletter to nurture leads and this is the flow:

Paid ad → Sign up to newsletter → 3x/week sends → Nurturing sequence to get the good leads on a sales call.

How do we know they’re a ‘good lead’?

Because when they sign up, they answer a survey with qualifying questions like:

  • Accredited or not

  • How much they have in liquid assets

  • If they need help related to the offer

Everyone that qualifies gets a nurturing sequence with a string of emails.

Most leads book a call 2-4 months down the line.

And the client is currently generating about 40 meetings per week with this funnel.

And 75% of all subscribers in the newsletter is from our paid ads.

Safe to say, the quality from the paid ads is A+.

But good quality from paid ads doesn’t just happen randomly…

The survey responses links back to UTM parameters in the ads, so we know which ads to scale and which to kill — optimizing over time.

And we track the quality like a hawk that’s spotted a fresh worm in the morning.

Tracking new subscriber quality is a daily thing, and it’s boring in the long run. But it’s what gets you results.

So today’s lesson is: Send all your subscribers to a survey and have them answer qualifying questions to spot if they’re a good lead — and then reach out to good leads about your offer.